#STEM, #STEAM, #STREAM Confusion
The value of American elementary, high school and college education has been declining for decades while its cost has been skyrocketing. Our system is based on an outdated model of training students to be low-level office and factory workers. American students’ scores in the most coveted STEM subjects have fallen behind those of our biggest global competitors.
The solution for this is obvious: Eliminate all but the smallest list of STEM topics!
The non-STEM topics aren’t just a waste of time and counterproductive, they’re toxically contributing to the erosion of education and American societal values. One hundred percent of school children’s day should be laser-focused exclusively on STEM topics in order to crush the competition and put our focus where it belongs: profit.
There has been confusion lately regarding which topics are STEM. Some folks have found it necessary to add extra subjects to STEM which don’t belong. They would dilute the purity of STEM by changing it to STEAM (or even STREAM!) by adding undesirable extra subjects. To enlighten educators across the country, I will precisely enumerate here exactly which subjects are STEM. Any subject not on the short list below is not STEM and needs to be immediately eliminated. Only the below topics are now appropriate for American education.
Only these topics are STEM!
S: Spanish and all other languages, Social work, Science, Sociology, pSychology, hiStory, buSiness, counSeling
T: crafTs, arT, creaTive wriTing, archiTecture, Technology, communicaTions, culinary arTs, hospiTality, public aminisTration
E: English and world literature, rEgional planning, Economics, interior dEsign, Engineering, nEw mEdia, libEral arts, rEcreation, humanitiEs, world rEligions, gEnder studies
M: Music, aniMal behavior, criMinal behavior, Marketing, woMen’s studies, Math, M&M (mushrooms & marijuana), Management, environMental health, entertainMent
Only these above topics, and no others, will make America great again.
Now that this has been solved, my next article will explain why today’s school children are not doing enough standardized testing…